Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

This website uses third-party cookies to enhance user experience, retain preferences, offer related services, and collect anonymous aggregated data for usage statistics. By registering on the website and/or simply browsing (with cookies enabled in the browser), the user agrees to the installation of cookies unless they oppose it, as detailed in our Cookie Policy.

Our Cookie Policy is subject to periodic updates. Its purpose is to help you understand the use we make of cookies, the purpose of the cookies used, and the options users have to manage them.

Users can access this information at any time through the link provided on the website. They can also modify their cookie acceptance preferences through their browser options.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to the user's device when visiting a website. Later, cookies are sent back to the originating website (first-party cookies) or to other websites (third-party cookies). Cookies allow a website to recognize a user's device, facilitating navigation, remembering preferences, and, in general, improving the user experience and providing information and services related to their interests.

Cookies can be "session" cookies, which will be deleted once the user leaves the website that generated them, or "persistent" cookies, which remain on the user's computer until a specified date.

Additionally, cookies can be "first-party," managed by the domain the user accesses and requests a particular service from, or "third-party" cookies, sent to the user's device from a domain different from the one accessed.

Cookies Used:

  • Analytical Cookies:

This website uses analytical cookies to gather statistics on user activity when visiting the page. The collected information is anonymous and allows us to optimize navigation on our website and ensure the best service to the user. We use both our own cookies and third-party cookies (third-party cookies should be indicated) for the analysis of our page. Users can exclude their activity through the exclusion systems provided by analytical tools.

  • Internal Use Cookies:

This website uses internal use cookies for its operation. Specifically, this website uses cookies to: enable user authentication; maintain the session when browsing the page; contract a product or service; set language preferences selected by the user; or manage the user's access to the support center. Disabling these cookies, by blocking cookies in the browser options, may prevent the proper functioning of some website features.

  • Cookies Used by Social Media (Only if there is access to social media):

This website has installed social media buttons that allow the user to share content of interest with their social circle. Cookies used by social media prevent the user from having to re-enter their data to share such content. These buttons do not have access to the data entered by users when sharing content on social media.

  •  Cookies Used by External Content Plugins:

This website offers users content or services provided by third-party providers, such as videos hosted on YouTube or Google Maps applications. Cookies used by these providers are necessary for the user to access such services and are governed by their respective cookie policies.

  • Third-Party Cookies for Advertising Space Management:

These are cookies stored by third parties that manage the advertising spaces users view when accessing the website. These cookies allow us to measure the effectiveness of our online campaigns, provide users with information of interest, and offer them advertising content of their preference.

In accordance with their own policies, some online advertising managers may use anonymous cookies to display ads of interest when users visit other websites. However, users can manage the acceptance or rejection of such cookies through their browser settings. To learn more about behavior-based advertising, you can visit Youronlinechoices. Through this page, you can modify and manage your preferences regarding behavioral advertising.

Use of Cookies on this Website:

Like most websites, this website uses cookies to improve the user experience and enable interaction with various social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…).

The use of this website may involve the use of the following cookies: (Please confirm the cookies used)

Name Owner Purpose   Expiration
_utma Google Analytics Used to distinguish users and sessions. 2 years from the last update
_utmb Google Analytics Se usa para determinar nuevas sesiones o visitas. 30 minutes from the last update
_utmc Google Analytics Se usa para determinar el estado de la sesión (abierta o cerrada). End of the session in the browser
_utmt Google Analytics Se usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes. 10 minutes
_utmz Google Analytics Almacena la fuente de tráfico o la campaña que explica cómo ha llegado el usuario al sitio. 6 months
_icl_current_language WordPress Interfaz Identifica el lenguaje del usuario. 2 years from access or configuration change
gadwp_wp WPML Analytics Google Analytics para WordPress. 2 years from access or configuration change
PHPSESSID Sesión Interfaz Usada por el lenguaje encriptado PHP para permitir que las variables de sesión sean guardadas en el servidor web. No established expiration. Disappears when the website is closed
WordPress_text_cookie WPML Comprobar si el navegador tiene cookies activadas. Until the end of the session

Remember that you can delete them at any time or reject them before installation by configuring the browser program you use. Please visit your browser's help page to learn how to manage cookies on your computer. The cookies indicated do not collect personal information about users of the website. For more details regarding the use of these third-party cookies, you can refer to the mentioned owners. Regarding Google cookies, you can consult the document for more information.